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Machinery Hanbaek Thank you to visit.

We pulbareumgi Hanbaek Machinery and built-in automatic wallpaper as a professional manufacturer of construction machinery
The high value customers to realize better product development and dissemination are doing our best efforts to temper.

Your advice and counsel of our customers with great humility, I listened to improve product quality improvement and efforts to produce a better product and are devoted.

In a rapidly changing social reality of the existing inefficiencies in the construction of the hand the ability to automate, stereo hwahayeo
High-quality, high-quality construction skills to achieve complete automation machinery for the dissemination of more effort
Customers are always with you and your heart will become the Republic of Korea's chief business.

Our staffs, as well as the customer first, A / S preferred stock, preferred stock, such as quality
The basic philosophy of the owner of three treatment value and the emphasis on faith and sincerity and true technology, and competitive posture
To be a good company and will do our best.

Machinery Hanbaek to give love and everlasting support and encouragement I would like to sincerely thank you.
Thank you.

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 Address : Sangjiseog-dong, Paju-city, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 554-48
  Customer Center : 031-945-2761~3   ¤Ó CEO: Kim, Dongguk
  Hanbeck Machinery All Rights Reserved.