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  NOTICE       Notice Boaed

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11 Notice Board. admin 2011-01-19 1308
10 One swallow does not make a summer. admin 2011-01-18 1159
9 There is no place like home. admin 2011-01-18 1235
8 A picture is worth a thousand words. admin 2011-01-18 1189
7 Slow and steady win the game. admin 2011-01-18 1194
6 Rome was not built in a day. admin 2011-01-18 1248
5 Necessity is the mother of invention. admin 2011-01-18 1157
4 The longest way round is the shortest way home. admin 2011-01-18 1209
3 A sound mind in a sound body. admin 2011-01-18 1105
2 A rags to riches story. admin 2011-01-18 1081
1 There is no rest for a family(mother) wi admin 2011-01-18 1308

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