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  Pulbareumi Dx

¨ç Specifications

󰋼 Weight: 15 kg

󰋼 Standard: 1,230 x300x320

󰋼 Capacity: 8 §¤

󰋼 pulbareum advance: 1,130 §®

¨è Features

Standard leg height 󰋼 320 §®

󰋼 double one-touch folding legs

With extended height of the bridge 󰋼 720 §®

Left side of the lid 󰋼 7kg / f pressure closing device

Built-in full-supply pipe for pump function 󰋼

󰋼 pump (sold separately) attach to the pump through the full available

¨é Use

󰋼 be used to mix a pool of wallpaper to fit the concentration.

Open the lid of the machine fills 󰋼 pool.

󰋼 wallpaper hanger bracket is fixed to pull into a wallpaper hanger rods

Place bracket over.

Open the lid of the machine 󰋼 wallpaper and put out on the other side of the machine

Close the lid.

󰋼 attached to the lid by pressing the length of the meter to "0" is set.

󰋼 length meter, and gives the wallpaper by pulling.

After the desired length danggyeojun 󰋼 between the legs and the machine put a knife to the Foundation.

¡Ø pulpeompeureul of automatic machines can be used in connection

¡Ø Standard Gypsy Girl fill the wallpaper and the wallpaper setting while you pull

The adoption of high-end pressure closing device is not required to fill Gypsy Girl

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